Feb 24, 2020
Part 1: Dr. Meghan Schoening, a Doctor of Chiropractic, learned at a young age the philosophy of wellness; to trust the body, feed it nutrients and balance the mind. She brings her philosophy of wellness to her practice as she works with patients on healing with Chiropractic care, food choices, essential oils and...
Feb 16, 2020
Part 1: Celia Grand is a psychotherapist in private practice specializing in healing trauma. Celia’s quest to create a safe environment for psycho-spiritual healing has led her to combine eastern philosophy with cutting edge neuroscience and state of the art psychotherapy treatments. We discuss EMDR (Eye...
Feb 11, 2020
Part 1: Seth Leaf Pruzansky, co-owner of Tourmaline Spring, joins me for a lively discussion about how this flawless, gem-grade Sacred Living Water from the Summit Spring in Harrison, Maine differs from the bottled water you are familiar with and how it can help you connect with nature! We even recorded this show via...
Feb 6, 2020
Part 1: Yves Brinkmann is a Certified Hypnotherapist and founder of the Midcoast Clinic of Hypnotherapy in Yarmouth, Maine. We will discuss how hypnotherapy works and how he has been able to help patients who suffer from anxiety, pain and sleep disorders using this therapy. And we also talk about how, after just...